RegistrationNOTE: Make certain that the training school is Licensed by the State of Illinois: should be under 225 ILCS447/1 et.seq (IllinoisCompiled Statutes ) failure to comply may result in this form not being processed After successful completion of the Unarmed Certified Training Program it will be necessary for you to fill out your application and purchase the PERC CARD and payment for your fingerprint submission, Note A PERC Card or Permanent Employee Registration Card, is a card that tells employers in the State Of Illinois that you’ve passed certain background check through a fingerprint submission process. Note To apply for your PERC Card you can visit the, Division of Professional Regulation website copy link: Indicate The Course or Courses you will be taking with us All Courses listed Perc Card Training, When you enroll with Security Guard College for the Perc Card Trianing you will receive the following Certificate for NO CHARGE TO YOU Elite Training, Crowd Control,Terminating Employees |